PAD Day 26

Not too surprisingly, the Thanksgiving Day prompt was to write a thankful poem. So here, in all its glory is a recap of the fourteen gratitude haiku I posted in response to the Facebook challenge:

I Give Thanks

Today I’m thankful
simply for being alive–
isn’t that enough?

I’m grateful for books
Portals to magical lands
And time to read them.

I am thankful for
The Sunday crossword puzzle
And Writers’ Mill group.

Today I give thanks
For the splendor of colors
Outside my window.

I am thankful for
Electricity, that keeps
My home toasty warm.

Thanks for the rainfall
that keeps water plentiful
and makes Oregon green!

I am grateful for
Thursday morning writing group
And all the stories.

I musn’t forget
To give thanks for my kitties
Smokey and Shadow.

I thank editors
That take a chance on unknowns
and publish their works.

I’m grateful for planes
that enable my sister
to fly to Portland.

And then there’s the web
With all of its great tools for
Staying connected.

I’m glad for the gym
Where I can go to stay fit
And run into friends.

I’ll never forget
To give thanks for my parents
For all of those years.

The gang is all here
Savory smells fill the house
Happy Thanksgiving!

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