open mic

December Haiku Share

So at the beginning of this haiku/tanka/haiga share, I made the analogy with the card game Crazy Eights. Today, the prompt is a wild card. I want you to share something you’ve wanted to share all month, but didn’t quite fit in with any of the prompts. Or a personal favorite. Or… whatever– it’s up to you.
open mic
what is there
left to say?

“Things with Wings”, edited by Aubrie Cox, June 2012


If you missed the initial post, click here to read about the month long haiku challenge I am holding right here on my blog this December.

Doodle Ku

Back in March, I participated in Aubrie Cox’s “I Doodle, You ‘Ku” daily writing challenge. Each day, Aubrie posted a new “doodle”, and a small but determined group of us posted haiku (and occasionally tanka) in reply. A community built, and I, for one, was sorry to see the challenge end at the end of March. Now Aubrie has selected her favorites for each day, and put together what is, imho, the best of her collections to date: “Things with Wings”. I am pleased to have 14 haiku included in this collection, including one that is paired with Aubrie’s snail doodle, which I specially commissioned. 😉