the elusive scent

I don’t write as many tanka as I’d like to, or to be more accurate, I don’t often try to publish the ones I do write, since I feel less at home writing in this genre than in writing haiku. But the added incentive of submitting to Moonbathing, a print journal edited by Pamela Babusci, keeps me writing and submitting at least twice a year, for the honor of having my tanka appear alongside those of many of my favorite tanka poets.

the elusive scent
of wild sage and eucalyptus
in the footsteps
of my younger self

Haiku Poetry Day Celebration Post

April 17 has been designated National Haiku Poetry Day by The Haiku Foundation. This event was commemorated in cities across the U.S. with haiku readings. I had hoped to host an event here in Portland, but as that did not come to pass this year, I instead hosted a virtual event right here on this blog. Thanks to all who participated!

the lawn dotted
with dandelions

Cara Holman

spring madness
the sound of doves
and then a crow

Stevie Strang

(Shiki Monthly Kukai, March 2012)

stiff breeze
white petals fly
against traffic

James Rodriguez

late winter
the ache in my bones
as I lay them down

Kat Creighton

(World Haiku Review, Spring 2012)


cherry blossoms
the tea leaves in my cup
gather into an ocean

Alegria Imperial

(NaHaiWriMo, 26/03/12)


time with old friends
poems in a journal
from years ago

Ellen Grace Olinger


waters of spring
everywhere the smell of mud
and worms

Angie Werren

(Sketchbook — “waters of spring’ kukai — feb 2012)


wearing white
at the moon party –

Stella Pierides

(Dottie Dot award, February 2012)


hope is evident
in fronds reaching, grasping
light of a veiled sun

Marie Elena Good


I have discarded
the long-held belief that waves
crash one at a time

Marie Elena Good


spring breeze…
the jester’s cap
and bells

Claire Everett

(Magnapoets 8, July 2011)


the breathless space between
spring sun

spring snow

Kathy Bowman


hard rain…
the weightlessness
of petals

Pamela A. Babusci


tree buds my students ask me why I write

Margaret Dornaus

floating on water
the scent of magnolia
summer breeze

Christine L. Villa

(ITO EN North America New Haiku Grand Prix
Semifinalist for the month of August 2011
Shukan New York Seikatsu newspaper)

cherry blossoms…
the bride-to-be offers
a sun-kissed cheek

Kirsten Cliff

(DailyHaiku Cycle 12, October 30, 2011)


spring cleaning
the daffodils have gone
leaving their skins

Merrill Gonzales