Lamenting the Limerick

I love limericks, I love contests, so what could be more fun than the April Write On! Online April Challenge, which was a limerick contest! I was the third place winner with this limerick:

Lamenting the Limerick

A limerick it is to be
What to pen, now let me see
I could write of love
Or the moon up above
But I’ve run out of lines, woe is me!

But why stop at one? Here’s some of the other limericks I wrote, before I decided to submit the one above:

Limerick Lament

I just wish I could think of something
With a lot of pizazz and some zing
But I must be quite frank
My mind it is blank
So I’ll settle for any old thing.

A Poem A Day Lament

To pen a poem a day
Requires a lot to say
Should I write of love
and the moon up above
or the darling buds of May?

Gardener’s Lament

I wish I could figure out why
My plants always up and die
Try as I might
I can’t prevent blight
Yet my weeds always grow to the sky.

Writer’s Lament

I wish I could write a good book
With suspense, a great plot and a hook
When I sit down to write
My words sound so trite
But I’ll publish by hook or by crook

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